Monday, 27 November 2017

Yes. 10 archers done. These miniatures are easy to paint, but not very inspiring. In some ways they are better sculpts than the spearmen from the same box, but not really great. These will have to do until I get a hold of some of the metal archers from the period.

Hope you like them.

Today I also prepped a small unit of 5th ed. silverhelms. They still need some greenstuff love, before I can basecoat them, but given the horror that are these minis when it comes to assembly I'm quite pleased with the work I've done.

As we enter december, my goal is to finish the silver helms, but as I have quite a long christmas vacation I hope to sink my teeth into another unit or maybe some reaoers or eagles, befor years end. This should put me well on pace to have an army ready for the springs events. One of which is a campaign weekend and the other being the danish oldhammer weekend. Neither of these have set a date yet, but I'm hoping they won't clash with any family stuff.

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