Sunday, 16 March 2014

A dwarf

Not an oldschool one, but still a favourite of mine. He was a blast to paint. I actually painted him a while ago and would just like to show him off. This weekend has been hectic, so no actual hobby fun has been done and the week looks very busy, leaving little time to paint. Next week it clears up a bit and i hope to get a little painting done this weekend.

So here he is, I'm particularly happy with the nose.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Yes, I've painted a witchhunter. I plan on making a few warbands for Skulldred, this is the start of one. Painting individual models like this is a great way of taking a break from my usual batchstyle painting method. I've tried my hand at inking and glazing on this one and I like how he turned out, especialy the leather cape.

Monday, 10 March 2014

A gift

So, this has been packed. The envelope is ready. By this time tomorrow, this will wing its way to england. I hope for a safe journey and quick arrival at its new home.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Good karma

Long have I pondered the contents of my leadpile. There's stuff in there that I will never get around to paint, much less use for gaming. Some of it will be sold or traded. But some, I think, should go to places where they will feel at home, where they will have a purpose and get painted an played with. 

Out there are people who have inspired me, and in some cases the entire oldhammer community to get started with our own blogs and game in that old school spirit. So I'm starting what I will hope is a trend. Out there are vast leadpiles, some is for keeping, some is for selling and trading but maybe some is for use in the following way. Send some old lead to someone you find deserving, that may be someone who inspired you, someone who's always been there as partnof the community, some up an coming blog you would like to encourage, your reasons may be many and varied. My reason to send stuff out there is to give something back to the community, who I feel is pretty awesome.

So i say to you Mr. thantsants of I will send to you a gift, as soon as I get the thing photographed and packaged I'll post some picks up.

As for you, dearest reader, ponder your own leadpile and think about sending some good karma to you fellow hobbyists.
